



E-mail: dihuang@seu.edu.cn



1.    Huang, D., Yang Y., Peng, X., Huang, J., Mo, P., Liu, Z.*, Wang, S. (2024). Modelling the pedestrian’s willingness to walk on the subway platform: A novel approach to analyze in-vehicle crowd congestion. Transportation Research Part E, 181, 103359.

2.    Huang, D., Zhang, J., Liu, Z.* (2023). A robust coordinated charging scheduling approach for hybrid electric bus charging systems, Transportation Research Part D, 125, 103955.

3.    Hu, Z., Huang, D.*, & Wang, S. (2022). Joint optimization of bus scheduling and targeted bus exterior advertising. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS/TEENG-7812.

4.    Xing, J., Wu, Y., Huang, D., & Liu X.* (2022). Robust urban network-wide traffic volume estimation with uncertain detector deployment scheme. Electronic Research Archive, 31(1), 207-228.

5.    Fu, X.*, Wu Y., & Huang, D. (2022). An activity-based model for transit network design and activity location planning in a three-party game framework. Transportation Research Part E, 168, 102939.

6.    Hua, M., Chen, X., Chen, J. Huang, D., & Cheng, L. (2022). Large-scale dockless bike sharing repositioning considering future usage and workload balance. Physica A, 605, 127991.

7.    Huang, D.* & Wang, S. (2022). A two-stage stochastic programming model of coordinated electric bus charging scheduling for a hybrid charging scheme. Multimodal Transportation, 1(1): 100006.

8.    Huang, D., Wang, Y., Jia, S., Liu, Z.*, & Wang, S. (2022). A Lagrangian relaxation approach for the electric bus charging scheduling optimization problem. Transportmetrica A. DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2021.2023690 (ESI highly cited paper)

9.    Huang, D., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Dong, R. & Liu, Z.* (2021). An optimal transit fare and frequency design model with equity impact constraints. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A, 147(12): 04021095.

10.  Huang, D., Wang, S. & Liu, Z.* (2021). A systematic review of prediction methods for emergency management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 62, 102412.

11.  Zuo, Y., Fu, X., Liu, Z., & Huang, D. (2021). Short-term forecasts on individual accessibility in bus system based on neural network model. Journal of Transport Geography, 93, 103075.

12.  Xi, Y., Huang, D., Yuan, Y., Liu, Z.* & Anish. K. (2021) An improved dynamic time warping algorithm for bus route trajectory curve fitting. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A, 147(8), 04021044.

13.  Huang, D., Xing, J., Liu, Z.*, & An, Q. (2021) A multi-stage stochastic optimization approach to the stop-skipping and bus lane reservation schemes. Transportmetrica A, 17(4), 1272-1304.

14.  An, Q., Fu, X., Huang, D., Cheng, Q., & Liu, Z.* (2020) Analysis of adding-runs strategy for peak-hour bus services. Transportation Research Part E, 143, 102100.

15.  Huang, D., Chen, X., Liu, Z.*, Lyu, C., Wang, S. & Chen, X. (2020) A static bike repositioning model in a hub-and-spoke network framework. Transportation Research Part E, 141, 102031.

16.  Yuan, Z. Huang, D.*, & Liu, Z. (2020) Characteristic analysis and prediction of traffic accidents in multiethnic plateau mountain area. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A, 146(8), 04020068.

17.  Huang, D., Gu, Y., Wang, S., Liu, Z.*, & Zhang, W. (2020) A two-phase optimization model for the demand-responsive customized bus network design. Transportation Research Part C, 111, 1-21. (ESI highly cited paper)

18.  Huang, D., Liu, Z.*, Fu, X., & Blythe, PT. (2018). A multimodal bus network design approach in a hub-and-spoke network framework. Transportmetrica A, 14(8),20.      Lu, L., Gu, Z., Huang, D., Liu, Z.*, & Chen, J. (2017). An evaluation framework for the public information guidance system. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 21(5), 1919-1928.

21.  Huang, D., Liu, Z.*, Liu, P., & Chen, J. (2016). Optimal transit fare and service frequency of a nonlinear origin-destination based fare structure. Transportation Research Part E, 96, 1-19.

22.  Zhou, B., Bliemer, M. C.*, Li, X., & Huang, D. (2015). A modified truncated Newton algorithm for the logit-based stochastic user equilibrium problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(18), 5415-5435.


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